Yesterday, Year 5 visited a local secondary school, Mayfield School. They were invited to see what wonderful learning had taken place in the Autumn term in the Mayfield music department. Most of the feedback I received was that of awe and excitement, as well as thoughts about performance and talent. Having viewed the footage of some of the acts, I was equally impressed by the level of talent and performance in Mayfield.
It did cause me to think that we have fantastic talent at MPS and how I would like that to be demonstrated by the children of MPS. So there will be opportunities to join music groups and clubs etc. and performances throughout the year, in which we may have a Mayfield audience instead!
There are still spaces in choir on Monday 3.30-4.25 Yr 3-5 in the music room which will resume in the Spring term. Please sign up on parent pay. There will also be recorder, ocarina and trumpet club coming soon! Watch This Space!
Well done to Year 5 for being an incredible audience- the head of Mayfield's music department was very impressed. Keep up the great work!!
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