Dabbledoo Music
The Three Strands
Listening and Responding
The child will be enabled to:
- listen to, identify and imitate familiar sounds in the immediate environment from varying sources
- recognising the range and versatility of the voice for exploring and imitating sounds
- recognise a range of sounds using body percussion
- explore ways of making sounds using manufactured and home-made instruments
- listen to a range of short pieces of music or excerpts and discuss in terms of musical concepts (loud, soft, fast, slow, etc.)
The child will be enabled to:
- explore the use of vocal sounds for making musical sounds
- show the steady beat in listening to and accompanying songs or rhythmic pieces
- recognise and imitate short melodies in echoes, developing a sense of pitch
- play a range of simple percussion instruments
The child will be enabled to:
- select sounds from a variety of sources to create simple sound ideas, individually and in groups
- explore the use of graphic notation to organise sequences of sounds
- select sounds and distribute them in a group performance setting
- invent and perform short, simple musical pieces with some control of musical elements (in musical concepts)