SEN Report
Viking Primary School Special Educational Needs Annual Report (Local Offer)
What is the local offer?
The children and families act (2014) outlines the Government’s plans to require Local authorities to publish information on services and provision across education, health and social care for children and young people aged 0 -25 with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND). The purpose of a local offer is to enable parents and carers to see more clearly what services are available for children with SEND in their area and how to access them. The process extends to early years settings and all the information below forms our local offer and shows how we provide for children with SEND.
At Viking Primary School we strive to support all children to enable them to achieve their potential at school. Quality First Teaching is vital: however for some children there are occasions during their school life when additional support may be needed to help them to achieve their targets.
Our SEND policy can be found here
The SEND provision at Viking Primary School is on an individual needs basis and includes but is not limited to:
- Interventions personalised to the child’s needs (Literacy, Numeracy and other subjects), where school has identified areas for development
- Additional 1:1 support in specific subjects may be provided in exceptional cases.
- Social skills sessions are provided for pupils who need more targeted support.
- LSAs are used for both in-class support, small focus group support and for 1:1 sessions. The type of support depends on the pupils’ needs and the requirements of the subject teacher.
- Access arrangements may be made for exams where a specialist report identifies a need. Types of provision may include the use of a laptop or additional time. Where there is an identified medical need further arrangements may have to be made.
- Where a pupil needs more specialised support, external agencies and other professionals may become involved (see school’s partnerships).
- A Personal Education Plan (PEP) for looked after children who have SEN.
The school’s Equalities and Accessibility policy can be found here:
Pupils with medical needs
- If a pupil has an additional medical need a detailed care plan will be compiled with support from the school and appropriate medical professionals, in consultation with parents/carers. These are discussed with all staff who are involved with the pupil and appropriate support is put in place.
The SPMC - Supporting children with medical conditions policy can be found here:
Pupils are identified as needing extra support from information such as:
- Concerns raised by parents/carers or the child/young person
- Information from providers/feeder schools is passed on prior to transfer.
- Observations and assessments carried out on entry.
- Class teachers identify pupils who are not meeting targets or whose progress is slower than expected and inform the SENDCO if appropriate.
- Ongoing and statutory assessments are analysed to identify needs.
- If other specific learning difficulties are suspected then other external agencies may be involved.
- The SENDCO analyses termly assessment data to identify pupils who are not meeting their targets.
- Information from medical professionals
How we monitor provision:
- In consultation with the pupil and parent/carer, provision maps are written by the class teacher and are overseen by the SENDCO; these are reviewed termly. Provision maps are also used to show how support is targeted and the effectiveness of the intervention.
- Termly data and information from class teachers, parents and the pupil is all used to assess the effectiveness of the provision and the progress of pupils with SEND.
The school’s approach to teaching
- We promote inclusion to include children/young people with SEND both inside the classroom and during extracurricular activities and trips.
- Risk assessments are carried out and school will make their best endeavours to put in place procedures to enable all pupils to participate.
- Teaching staff are given training on strategies to use in the classroom with pupils who have specific needs.
- Emotional and social development is supported on a personalised basis. Some pupils require more targeted support which is offered through social skills groups and in a small number of cases CAMHs support may be needed.
- Pupils with SEND are given the opportunity to evaluate their own learning experiences by feeding back to their class teachers and SENDCO using monitoring and evaluation procedures relevant to the age of the child. These are then used to develop strategies to improve teaching to ensure pupils are able to fully access the curriculum.
The School’s facilities
- The school’s main buildings are mostly DDA compliant.
- The school has a toilet adapted for disabled users.
- School has disabled access from the car park, and disabled access to EYFS and KS1 classrooms, the hall and the library. There is access to Year 3, the playground and the field.
- The ICT suite is not accessible, but school has various laptops with wifi access to the school network. Current year 4, 5 and 6 classrooms are not accessible.
- Disabled parking bays are nearest to the disabled reception entrance to provide easier access for pupils and parents/carers.
- In order to make the school site more accessible for pupils who are visually impaired, yellow lines have been painted on areas that have been identified during a risk assessment that was carried out by a specialist teacher.
- Personal Emergency Evacuation Plans (PEEPS) are in place for every child with a physical disability to identify exit routes from every classroom they access, in the event of a fire.
Training for staff to help them support children/ young people with SEND.
- The SENDCO is working towards the National Award for SEN Co-ordination.
- Specialist training has been accessed through the Educational Psychology service.
- Individual staff have had further, or more specific training on how to support pupils with individual needs from specialists or through external training courses.
The School’s arrangements for consultation
- If parents have a specific concern they should contact the Class Teacher in the first instance, who will liaise with the SENDCo as appropriate.
- Each pupil who has been identified as having special needs will have a provision map that is written in conjunction with them and their parent/carer.
- Assessment data is shared on a termly basis and will inform parents/carers of their child’s/ young person’s progress.
- Parent evenings are held twice a year when parents/carers can meet with class teachers.
- Pupils with EHC plans and parents/carers meet with the SENDCO and class teacher termly.
The School’s partnerships
The school’s governing body involve other bodies (including health, social care and support services) to meet the needs of pupils with SEND and their families by using the following outside agencies:
- Child Protection Services
- Educational Psychology
- CAMHs (Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service)
- School Nurse
- Community Paediatrics
- Social Care
- Family resilience
- Occupational Therapy
- Physiotherapy
- Speech and Language Therapy
- Education and Welfare Officers
- Behaviour units
- Ealing SEN Team
The school’s arrangements for pupils with SEND transferring between other education providers:
Whenever a child transfers in or out of our school:
- We use our best endeavours to ensure that all relevant information is passed between schools as quickly as possible.
- Staff from each setting will contact one another and share key information to assist with the process.
- Additional transition days may be set dependent on individual circumstances.
- Additional emotional support may be provided.
The school communicates the contact details for the support listed above to pupils with SEND and their families via:
- The School website.
- 1:1 discussions.
- Termly reviews.
The school’s Key contacts:
SENDCo Miss Carly Grice
- Email:
- Tel: 020 8845 3186
The contact for compliments, concerns or complaints from parents of pupils with SEND is:
Headteacher: Miss Amie Norris
- Email:
- Tel: 020 8845 3186
The school’s complaints policy can be found here:
The school’s link to the Ealing Local Offer
Information for the Local Offer for Ealing Council is available at: