Academy Committee
Peatmoor Community Primary School is part of a multi academy trust called Grove Learning Trust. Please click here to visit Grove Learning Trusts website.
As an academy that is part of Grove Learning Trust, Peatmoor Community Primary School has a governing body made up of staff, parents and people from the community, which is overseen by the trust's members and directors. The governing body is called an academy committee at Peatmoor Community Primary School.
The governors at academy committee hold the academy leadership team to account for the performance of the academy. They operate as one body, as a committee of the Board of Directors, which is the trust's Governing Body. Each Academy Committee is accountable to the Board of Directors via the Board of Directors’ committees - Resources, Audit and Risk (RAR) and Standards & Performance (S&P). Governors are appointed by the Board of Directors after appropriate elections or recruitment processes that will be run by the relevant academy committee.
The governing body is drawn from members of staff, parents and co-opted members of the community. The Chair of Governors is Andrew Bourne. Governors can be contacted via the school office on 01793 887473, Peatmoor Community Primary School, Pepperbox Hill, Peatmoor, Swindon, Wiltshire SN5 5DP.
The Academy Committee at Peatmoor are:
- Andrew Bourne - Chair
- Rachel Fry - Governor
- Emily Day - Governor
- Steve Atyeo - Governor
- Suzanne Bullimore - Governor
- Sarah Williams - Staff Governor
- Lynne Fletcher - Clerk to the Academy Committee