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Admissions into Peatmoor Community Primary School

Admissions Arrangements for 2025-2026

Applications to attend Peatmoor Community Primary School are welcomed from all families.

As Peatmoor Community Primary School is an Academy, the Governors of the School are responsible for their own Admission Policy and arrangements in line with the Admissions Code of Practice and the Local Authority’s Admissions Schemes.

The school will continue to adhere to the Local Authority’s admission arrangements for the
2024/2025 and 2025/2026 academic year.  Please see the documents below to view our admissions policy.

Arrangements for applying to join Peatmoor Community Primary School

Admissions for Reception Children


Applications for places are dealt with by Swindon Borough Council Admissions department.

We have one intake each year, at the start of the Autumn Term.  Reception pupils are normally admitted to school in the September following their 4th birthday.  Prospective parents are most welcome to make an appointment to look around our school, look out for flyers and on our website for information about any open mornings/afternoons.


Parents are usually asked to complete preference forms in the Autumn of the year before the child starts school. Places are allocated in the late Spring / early Summer Term – we have a maximum intake of 30 children. 


Once we know our intake, we begin the process of ensuring every child’s entry into school is happy and relaxed. In the Summer Term before the September start, parents come to an Open Evening to find out more about how we work and ask any questions they might still have. This meeting also gives parents the opportunity to meet and talk with the Reception class teachers.  Soon after, children are invited to visit the Reception class for short visits.


Admissions for children in Years 1 – 6

Parents of older children, moving into the area, are welcome to make an appointment to visit the school and to discuss admission with the Headteacher. As with entry into Reception, all applications for places are initially dealt with by Swindon Borough Council and all details will be passed to the school.